When the Rain Comes Down, I Cook.

We have had more rain than I can ever remember in Southern California and I now have a dilemma.
To cook or not to cook. No golf today. Do I cook? Don't drive the oil slick roads to the mall. Do I cook?
No more room in my refrigerator from the last rainy day.  Do I cook? Well the only answer I can give is YES.
How can you escape all the cooking shows on TV. Giada, Ina, Rachel, Tyler, etc., etc.
I have saved a tremendous amount of money by not signing up for Culinary school. Why should I? One can go to school all day long on the Food Network. Of course now they have Top Chef, Top Chef Masters, Iron Chef but the best of all is "Worst Cooks In America". It seems that almost every cable channel is dedicated to some sort of cooking show.

After I retired in 2000, I had all kinds of plans, wish lists or in my case "Bucket List". I wanted to travel, do background extra work, act in community theatre. Believe it or not I have done those things and I haven't touched most of my bucket list. During that time I also wrote my own cookbook "Simply Sicilian: Sicilian/Italian Cooking Made Easy. These accomplishments have made me realize that life is good and God willing, plenty of it left.

Now the next question is: Do I go to Paris and learn French cuisine or to Tuscany for northern Italian cuisine (what would my Sicilian ancestors think of that?) or Spain for Tapas....hmmmmm, I think I will do it ALL.